End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy
I - Softwares
All software distributed by Lightning Protection Systems France (*LPSFR) are property of this company. Apps are developped and provided by the company named NonOpn.
II - Agreement
Software provided by LPSFR, used with or without a registered account, bind user to this agreement : users accept the following license and the following privacy.
LPSFR and NonOpn goals are to preserve :
- personal data integrity
- privacy of owner of these data
- access to data and relevant information linked to the health status of their own data
LPSFR and NonOpn put systems and best practices to prevent any issues and if such event should occured, Any leaked data will lead to an immediate notice in Ethereum and any other possible medium like Mail or Push Notification.
III - Personal Data
No personal data is grabbed with commercial intentions directly on them. Treatment on data are done on a sample base and anonymised (making sure the data will not lead to target an individual user). If this should evolve in the future, a default opted-out feature will be implemented prior the modification, making you, the user the only one to activate the new deactivate-by-default option.
IV - App Permission and accessed data
LPSFR apps can require the personal user location when looking position.
No tracking or history is made if the data is sent to the servers - if an history is mandatory in the future, it will lead to practices preventing issues.
In the future, it can also access the current app folder and the, if available, the "external" folder to access data the user will "choose" to share (Photo picked by the user). No scan, copy or upload without the user consent is or will be done.
If in the future any other permission should be available, stay insured that it will be done with the best of the practices and with the least possible impact (mainly by reducing the uploads to the server to the only required ones).
V - Open Source
The team is focused onto providing a full disclosure of their Open Source technologies and also provide few technologies. The app is using Open Source libraries to achieve greatness. Here is the current list of packages the apps rely upon :
- eventemitter2
- react-native
- react-native-animatable
- react-native-awesome-alerts
- react-native-cardview
- react-native-elements
- react-native-facebook-sdk
- react-native-loading-spinner-overlay
- react-native-login
- react-native-material-ui
- react-native-notifications
- react-native-popup
- react-native-progress
- react-native-splash-screen
- react-native-vector-icons
If in the future, a not-mentionned Open Source technology should be find in the app but not in this page, the team kindly accepts any emails, message, tweets to fix it. It is not in the intention of Busking, the team or the revolving companies to infringe any license by any mean.
If you don't accept this privacy policy and EULA, please feel free to contact us. Using iterations to improve this model is in the roadmap of LPSFR to improve users safetyness and to open our standards to you.